Sunday, November 15, 2009

Been A While.....

Been a while since I posted anything. Finally in Albany and settled in the new apartment. The drive was pretty boring and Karl and I def got into a couple arguments but 3 days in a car will do that to anyone! lol The moving process went better than excepted. You would think that such a big move to a new place where I know no one and have no job would be more difficult but so far I have adjusted smoothly. The only thing really weighing on my mind is having no job. I have begun personal training at the Gold's Gym here but building clientele and generating money is a slow process. Still hoping for a call from Baker PR. That position is perfect for me, I know it. I have applied to other marketing related positions with other companies but no word yet. As a back up I have applied to the most amazing salon and spa here....Complexions....a green salon and spa! I LOVE IT!

With no friends here and no money life has been pretty boring. Which for me is not good considering I love to be busy. I know that things happen for a reason and when you least expect them....let hope it just sooner than later :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Passed the Test

For the last 2 months I have been taking a class through my gym to help prepare me for the National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer Exam. The classes started great but slowly after a few weeks life's crap started getting in the way. My mom was in OH taking care of my sick grandfather then I went to Albany for a few days then my grandfather passed away and my family went to OH for 5 days. By the time I got back there were only two classes left. I felt so unprepared for the exam. I knew nothing! So for the last week or so I have been doing a ton of studying hoping to be ready to take the exam before I move. Yesterday I finally felt ready and scheduled my exam for today at 4pm. I PASSED!!!!!!!!!! It was nothing like I expected.....really hard! lol BUT I am now a Certified Personal Trainer!!!!! I love the sound of that!

After the exam I came home did last minute laundry and packed my car. I'm getting up at 4:30am and leaving by 5am. I have to be in Albuquerque, NM by noon to pick Karl up at the airport and continue the drive. I REALLY hope my car makes it. I actually feel sorry for my car.

As soon as I get to Albany and settled in our new apartment! I will post picks of the beautiful red and yellow leaves. Soon I'll be posting pics of SNOW!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Moving to NY

Hey All

I figured a blog would be a great central place for everyone I care about to find out whats going on in my life. My sorority sister Sasha created a blog and I find it fun to read that she has taken up baking as a hobby.

So I am moving to Albany, NY. This Friday I begin the long drive there. Hopefully my car makes it....oh boy. Karl is meeting me in Albuquerque, NM and driving the rest of the way with me. I bought the book Lipstick Jungle on CD to listen to on the way to NM. Thank goodness the book is shorter than it takes to get there. I don't think Karl would appreciate me making him spend 3 days in the car while he should be studying to listen to a chick book.

I do not have a job yet only some interest from the local gym for teaching my BodyCombat and BodyJam classes which I am happy about. I just completed the preparation class for the NASM Personal Training exam and am now studying for it. I will probably take it tomorrow afternoon. I really hope I pass I love this stuff plus its a great way to make extra money. I interviewed with a PR firm a few weeks ago. I have no Marketing/PR experience just really good references from the Albany area so we'll see how that goes. I really hope I get it but the chances are slim.

I'm sooooo excited for my new life, new place, new people and hopefully a new job. I will only be 2.5 hrs away from NYC.....AMAZING and 45 min from Saratoga National Race the track. The BEST part is there is an H&M in the mall near my new apartment....God loves me.

Everybody start saving for an NYC visit. I'm going to miss my friends and family soooo much but this is a risk I will never regret no matter the outcome.