Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hello Strangers

This roller coaster of life has left me with not much to talk about over the past year or so. BUT I'm back and a big thank you to my new employer and friend Amanda for that. She has some great stuff to share with a business to run and a family to take care of. Mine may not be as interesting but none the less a tool for sharing my thought and opinions.

I'm still in Albany, NY although for a while I wondered why. Honestly, I need to get over it. I chose to move here and deep down I don't really regret it. What I do regret is how much of a baby I've been and my actions. When people get frustrated or depressed they take it out on those closest to them. I'm learning so much about myself in my current situation which is funny enough one of the things I told myself I needed to do when making the decision to move to NY.

Moving on to the positive stuff and forgetting the negative. I am working for a no frills, kick ass firm now, Rebel CMC! Check it out! These girls know what they are doing. I'm learning a lot from them.

I've been teaching boot camps lately and I love it! Hoping to get some more training under my belt within the next few months!

I have a kitty and dog now. Karl's brother Jake went into the Army so we are watching his lil pup, Heidi. Karl found a 5 week old kitten in October and we named her Autumn. I may complain about being the only one to take care of them but they really do make me happy...

For the last few months I have been training with Team in Training to run the San Diego Rock N Roll Half Marathon. It's in 5 days and I'm pumped especially because I'm going to AZ tomorrow morning to visit the family first! They might even go to SD with me! So excited!!!! Even my lovely friends Brie, Dani, Lauren and Rheana will be there! Can't wait to see my friends! I've missed having them in my life.

Karl is doing great! He is working for a local trading company right now. I'm so proud of him because he and a past coworker started a cleaning company together. Their client list is building and they just hired a part time worker! Now he will have more time to do what he does best...golf! So glad he is getting back into the one thing that I know makes him happy! We joined Mohawk Golf Club and I actually got my own clubs. I went out for 9 holes a couple times this past holiday weekend!

Well I think that is enough updating for now. Stay tuned! My European vacation is coming up next!

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