Sunday, November 15, 2009

Been A While.....

Been a while since I posted anything. Finally in Albany and settled in the new apartment. The drive was pretty boring and Karl and I def got into a couple arguments but 3 days in a car will do that to anyone! lol The moving process went better than excepted. You would think that such a big move to a new place where I know no one and have no job would be more difficult but so far I have adjusted smoothly. The only thing really weighing on my mind is having no job. I have begun personal training at the Gold's Gym here but building clientele and generating money is a slow process. Still hoping for a call from Baker PR. That position is perfect for me, I know it. I have applied to other marketing related positions with other companies but no word yet. As a back up I have applied to the most amazing salon and spa here....Complexions....a green salon and spa! I LOVE IT!

With no friends here and no money life has been pretty boring. Which for me is not good considering I love to be busy. I know that things happen for a reason and when you least expect them....let hope it just sooner than later :)